Bible, Lori (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Akin, Louis (Interviewer), Lorins, Rebecca (Videographer), Rees, Christian (Transcriber), Josefchak, Andrew (Proofreader), Faudoa, Bertha (Writer of accompanying material), Cole, Raeneisha (Writer of accompanying material). Interview with Lori Bible - University of Texas Libraries HRDI. 2014-08-09.
Bible, Lori (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Akin, Louis (Interviewer), Lorins, Rebecca (Videographer), Rees, Christian (Transcriber), Josefchak, Andrew (Proofreader), Faudoa, Bertha (Writer of accompanying material), Cole, Raeneisha (Writer of accompanying material). (2014-08-09). Interview with Lori Bible. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from
Bible, Lori (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Akin, Louis (Interviewer), Lorins, Rebecca (Videographer), Rees, Christian (Transcriber), Josefchak, Andrew (Proofreader), Faudoa, Bertha (Writer of accompanying material), Cole, Raeneisha (Writer of accompanying material). Interview with Lori Bible. 2014-08-09. "Interview with Lori Bible – HRDI". University of Texas Libraries HRDI. <> (21-January-2025).Note that these citations have been automatically generated, please verify that citation is correct and contains all necessary information.