May contain graphic and/or disturbing content. Footage from the book launch of "Memoria de las Masacres de Río Negro" by Jesús Tecú Osorio, held in the auditorium of the office of the Procurador Fiscal in Guatemala City. Includes shots of speakers, including Jesús Tecú Osorio, addressing the audience in Spanish and Achí; musical performances; and a theatrical reenactment of the Río Negro massacre by a group of young people. Near the end of the event, Jesús Tecú Osorio presents two copies of the book to a man. | A/D flag: analog; Copy of original. Original signal format: NTSC
video recordings, registros videos, moving image, cultural events, and eventos culturales
Extent | Alcance:
01 hours, 02 minutes, 15 seconds
Rights - Use & Reproduction | Derechos - uso & reproducción:
Language | Idioma:
Spanish and Achi
Publisher | Editor:
Place of publication | Lugar de publicación:
Topic | Tema:
Armed conflict and persecution--Genocide, Conflicto armado y persecución--Genocidio, Armed conflict and persecution--Mass killings, Conflicto armado y persecución--Asesinatos en masa, Civil and political rights, and Derechos políticos y civiles
Place Name | Nombre del lugar:
North America--Guatemala--Departamento de Guatemala--Guatemala City, América del Norte--Guatemala--Departamento de Guatemala--Ciudad de Guatemala, Central America, América Central, Latin America, and América Latina
Local Identifier| Identificador local :
1242_B01336 and B01336
Related Resource – Host | Recursos relacionados:
Jesús Tecú Osorio's Footage of Rabinal, Guatemala (title) and (uri)