Interviews with Salud y Desarrollo Comunitario staff, Indigenous woman in Pico, and woman with abusive father, part 1 of 3
Title | Título:
Interviews with Salud y Desarrollo Comunitario staff, Indigenous woman in Pico, and woman with abusive father, part 1 of 3
Description | Descripción:
The Women's Caucus was formed in February 1997, to intervene in the ongoing Preparatory Committee meetings for the establishment of an International Criminal Court at the United Nations. Women realized that without an organized caucus, women's concerns would not be actively defended in the documents and process of creation of an International Criminal Court. The legal issues in the ICC are complex and sensitive. They require people from different legal systems and cultures to arrive at a consensus on specific issues that may challenge local traditions or beliefs. The gender-related issues are particularly sensitive, as they are not as well understood. Gender-related crimes are often perceived to be private or individual crimes that do not rise to the level of international human rights law, or that are perceived to be taken care of by a "neutral" statute. However, the experience of women has been that neutrality usually results in leaving out crimes against women and the ways that women, because of their socially constructed roles in society, are disproportionately affected. It was these concerns that the Women""s Caucus sought to address in the process of creation of an International Criminal Court. By advocating the codification of crimes of sexual, reproductive and gender violence, and inclusion of gender sensitive processes and criteria for personnel, the Caucus tried to ensure that the Court has capacity to implement justice for women. | Footage begins with Monica Angeles, Martha Figueroa, and Margaret Crehan in an apartment, then driving in a car. Various blurred shots of landscape shot out the window. In the car, they discuss the nature of the Women's Caucus, its training with women, the ways in which it has been beneficial, and the issues important to the organization. Later they discuss a specific murder case that they are working on. B-roll of the group visiting a waterfall, and then a rural community with houses, animals, including a monkey, dogs and roosters. Interview with a staff person from the organization Salud y Desarrollo Comunitario (SADEC). He talks about his organization, the specific women's issues they work on, and a training they held on providing medical support. He talks about the importance of collaboration, and how it helps him better understand the issues affecting women. He says that putting groups in contact with each other allows women to find strength in each other. As the interview comes to the close, he gives verbal consent for the footage to be used, and Monica Angeles summarizes the interview in English. Next is more shaky footage shot from a moving car, and outside a rural home. There is an interview with a woman named Alberta Estrada [?] standing outside her home in Pico. She talks about issues facing women in Chiapas, and how indigenous women face greater abuse than Mestizo women. She talks about the need for unity among all women to get justice for the community. She also talks about sexual abuse and prostitution. After the interview, Monica Angeles summarizes what was said in English. There is some b-roll of Alberta with her family, her home, their animals. Next, there is an interview with a woman named Andrea Torres Cruz [?]. Her mother was killed by her father. Her father also owned a bar, and had prostitutes there. Andrea turned her father in to the authorities, and he was taken away. She does not believe there will be justice, however, because police are known to abuse their own spouses. She fears that when her father returns, she will be forced off the land or possibly killed like her mother. After the interview, Monica Angeles summarizes in English.
Contributor | Contribuidor:
WITNESS (Creator) and Women's Caucus for Gender Justice (Creator)
unedited footage, metraje sin editar, moving image, interviews, and entrevistas
Extent | Alcance:
48 minutes, 38 seconds
Rights - Use & Reproduction | Derechos - uso & reproducción:
Language | Idioma:
English and Spanish
Place of publication | Lugar de publicación:
Brooklyn (N.Y.)
Topic | Tema:
Civil and political rights--Women's rights, Mujeres--Derechos--Derechos políticos y civiles, Armed conflict and persecution--Homicide, Conflicto armado y persecución--Homicidio, Armed conflict and persecution--Domestic violence, Conflicto armado y persecución--Violencia doméstica, Armed conflict and persecution--Sexual violence, Conflicto armado y persecución--Violencia sexual, Economic social and cultural rights--Social and cultural rights--Indigenous populations, and Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales--Derechos sociales y culturales--Poblaciones indígenas
Place Name | Nombre del lugar:
North and Central America--Mexico--Chiapas and América del Norte y Central--México--Chiapas
General Note | Notas generales:
A/D flag: physDigital; Generation: original; Signal format: NTSC; Carrier number 1 of 1.
Local Identifier| Identificador local :
B01442-0_00_00_11 and witness_ihwe_3112
Related Resource – Host | Recursos relacionados:
Women's Caucus for Gender Justice's Footage for "If Hope Were Enough" Documentary (title) and (uri)