Footage selections from two gatherings of former civil patrollers of Rabinal and interview with Juan Reyes
Title | Título:
Footage selections from two gatherings of former civil patrollers of Rabinal and interview with Juan Reyes
Other title | Título alternativo:
Edicion Profesional- Convocatoria Expac
Description | Descripción:
May contain graphic and/or disturbing content. Selections of footage from the first two gatherings of former civil patrollers in Rabinal in July 2002, and from an interview with Juan Reyes, the president of the committee of former civil patrollers in Rabinal. | A/D flag: analog; Copy of original. Original signal format: NTSC
Contributor | Contribuidor:
Tecú Osorio, Jésus (Creator), Producciones Nueva Esperanza (Creator), Tecú Osorio, Jésus (Copyright holder), WITNESS (Copyright holder), Tecú Osorio, Jésus (Videographer), and Reyes, Juan (Interviewee)
video recordings, registros videos, moving image, interviews, and entrevistas
Extent | Alcance:
43 minutes, 07 seconds
Rights - Use & Reproduction | Derechos - uso & reproducción:
Language | Idioma:
Publisher | Editor:
Place of publication | Lugar de publicación:
Topic | Tema:
Armed conflict and persecution--Mass killings, Conflicto armado y persecución--Asesinatos en masa, Armed conflict and persecution--Paramilitaries, Conflicto armado y persecución--Paramilitares, Advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--Community organizing, Defensa, activismo y respuestas a la persecución--Organización comunitaria, Economic, social, and cultural rights--Social and cultural rights--Indigenous populations, and Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales--Derechos sociales y culturales--Poblaciones indígenas
Place Name | Nombre del lugar:
Central America, América Central, Latin America, América Latina, North America--Guatemala--Departamento de Baja Verapaz--Municipio de Rabinal, and América del Norte--Guatemala--Departamento de Baja Verapaz--Municipio de Rabinal
Local Identifier| Identificador local :
1233_B00651 and B00651
Related Resource – Host | Recursos relacionados:
Jesús Tecú Osorio's Footage of Rabinal, Guatemala (title) and (uri)