Meeting with women in Pico de Oro, Chiapas, part 1 of 3
Title | Título:
Meeting with women in Pico de Oro, Chiapas, part 1 of 3
Other title | Título alternativo:
Interview with Sara Santiz Gomez, victim of forced sterilization in Chiapas, part 1
Description | Descripción:
The Women's Caucus was formed in February 1997, to intervene in the ongoing Preparatory Committee meetings for the establishment of an International Criminal Court at the United Nations. Women realized that without an organized caucus, women's concerns would not be actively defended in the documents and process of creation of an International Criminal Court. The legal issues in the ICC are complex and sensitive. They require people from different legal systems and cultures to arrive at a consensus on specific issues that may challenge local traditions or beliefs. The gender-related issues are particularly sensitive, as they are not as well understood. Gender-related crimes are often perceived to be private or individual crimes that do not rise to the level of international human rights law, or that are perceived to be taken care of by a "neutral" statute. However, the experience of women has been that neutrality usually results in leaving out crimes against women and the ways that women, because of their socially constructed roles in society, are disproportionately affected. It was these concerns that the Women""s Caucus sought to address in the process of creation of an International Criminal Court. By advocating the codification of crimes of sexual, reproductive and gender violence, and inclusion of gender sensitive processes and criteria for personnel, the Caucus tried to ensure that the Court has capacity to implement justice for women. | Part 1 of 3. Footage from a meeting with a group of women in a large room in Pico de Oro, Chiapas, led by Martha Figueroa, a lawyer from a Women's Rights group, Grupo de Mujeres de San Cristobal. Before the meeting starts, the camera pans around the room, focusing on a Comision de Derechos Humanos poster, a newspaper article about a Caesarian birth performed with a knife, and on Figueroa preparing. Figueroa then stands and speaks on issues including women's rights, gender inequality, domestic abuse, alcoholism, and education. After some time, someone behind the camera begins translating her presentation into English. There is a CU of a pile of papers that reads "Encuentro reclamo de las mujeres ante la violencia, la impunidad y la guerra en Chiapas'" and to a letter addressed to all the women of Chiapas, inviting them to participate. Footage cuts to various incidental b-roll shots, including shots of Monica Angeles, Margaret Crehan, and Figueroa touring Mayan ruins and bathing in a waterfall. Cut to interior of a wooden house with Figueroa speaking to a man with his daughter. A baby cries in a hammock. Outside the house, a ELS as the man's wife, Sara Santiz Gomez, approaches carrying wood. There are then shots inside the house with the entire family. The interview with Sara Santiz Gomez begins outside the house. She speaks in Tzeltal, which is translated into Spanish by her husband, off-screen. She talks about how, in August 1999, she went to a state-fun hospital to give birth to her child. The doctor performed a Caesarean operation under the pretext that it was medically necessary. Later, when she went to another hospital run by the nuns for severe health problems, she discovered she had been sterilized by the doctor at the state-run hospital.
Contributor | Contribuidor:
WITNESS (Creator) and Women's Caucus for Gender Justice (Creator)
unedited footage, metraje sin editar, moving image, meetings, reuniones, interviews, and entrevistas
Extent | Alcance:
10 minutes, 59 seconds
Rights - Use & Reproduction | Derechos - uso & reproducción:
Language | Idioma:
English and Spanish
Place of publication | Lugar de publicación:
Brooklyn (N.Y.)
Topic | Tema:
Civil and political rights--Women's rights, Mujeres--Derechos--Derechos políticos y civiles, Civil and political rights--Reproductive justice, Derechos políticos y civiles--Justicia reproductiva, Armed conflict and persecution--Sexual violence, Conflicto armado y persecución--Violencia sexual, Health and healthcare--Reproductive health, Salud y cuidado de la salud--Salud reproductiva, Armed conflict and persecution--Domestic violence, Conflicto armado y persecución--Violencia doméstica, Economic, social, and cultural rights--Economic and labor rights--Poverty, Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales--Derechos económicos y laborales--Pobreza, Civil and political rights--Children's rights, Niños--Derechos--Derechos políticos y civiles, Economic, social, and cultural rights--Social and cultural rights--Indigenous populations, and Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales--Derechos sociales y culturales--Poblaciones indígenas
Place Name | Nombre del lugar:
North and Central America--Mexico--Chiapas--Pico de Oro and América del Norte y Central--México--Chiapas--Pico de Oro
General Note | Notas generales:
A/D flag: physDigital; Generation: original; Signal format: NTSC; Carrier number 1 of 1.
Local Identifier| Identificador local :
B01437-0_00_00_23 and witness_ihwe_3108
Related Resource – Host | Recursos relacionados:
Women's Caucus for Gender Justice's Footage for "If Hope Were Enough" Documentary (title) and (uri)