Millsap, Sam (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Raymond, Virginia Marie (Interviewer), Caldwell, Rosemarie (Videographer), and Leone, Lillian (Transcriber)
Millsap, Sam (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Raymond, Virginia Marie (Interviewer), Caldwell, Rosemarie (Videographer), and Leone, Lillian (Transcriber)
McCammon, Debra (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Chammah, Maurice (Interviewer), Henderson, Kalli (Videographer), Chammah, Maurice (Transcriber), Cruz, Shane (Transcriber), Raymond, Virginia Marie (Proofreader), Lorins, Rebecca (Proofreader), Lorins, Rebecca (Writer of accompanying material), Cruz, Shane (Writer of accompanying material), and Students from United World College (Writer of accompanying material)
McCammon, Debra (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Chammah, Maurice (Interviewer), Henderson, Kalli (Videographer), Chammah, Maurice (Transcriber), Cruz, Shane (Transcriber), Raymond, Virginia Marie (Proofreader), Lorins, Rebecca (Proofreader), and Lorins, Rebecca (Writer of accompanying material)
McCammon, Debra (Narrator), Texas After Violence Project (Contributor), Chammah, Maurice (Interviewer), Henderson, Kalli (Videographer), Chammah, Maurice (Transcriber), Cruz, Shane (Transcriber), Raymond, Virginia Marie (Proofreader), Lorins, Rebecca (Proofreader), and Rebecca \Lorins\ (Writer of accompanying material)